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Working with Tags in Ploomes
Gabriela Santos avatar
Written by Gabriela Santos
Updated today

Understand what tags are and how to use them in your account

Tags are a way to categorize customers, deals, and tasks based on a specific pattern, allowing you to filter them and manage information more efficiently. This enables you to use them strategically.

Tags work like hashtags that are added through the registration form, allowing you to name the information while also classifying it by color. This way, you can categorize deals by priority level (high, medium, or low), customers by rating (5 stars, 4 stars, 3 stars, 2 stars, 1 star), or any other classification that suits your daily needs.

Customers will appear on the map with the color corresponding to their tag, and tasks can be filtered according to priority classification. For example:

Viewing customers on the map


Viewing customers in the table

Viewing deal profiles

Viewing deals in the sales pipeline

Tags are unique to each module: customers tags are stored in a different list than deal or product tags, for example.

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